What is Gridding and How Does It Work?

Purposeful placement of gemstones in your environment

6/23/20232 min read

Gridding with gemstones is a way to use the energy and vibration of the stones in order to create impact your environment. Stones working in harmony can empower you, calm things or offer protection from negative energy.

Protection stones include selenite, black tourmaline, hematite, sulphur, shungite, clear quartz and angelite. These are just a few of the stones you can use depending on what you wish protection from. I put sulphur on my desk to keep negative people away. Black tourmaline in one desk draw and selenite in another drawer on the opposite side kept me grounded and put up a barrier against general negativity and energy vampires(It really worked for me!) What is an energy vampire? This is a person who takes a lot, gives very little and leaves you feeling drained after talking with them. They are very needy individuals.

Placing stones of creativity and focus on your desk or in your pockets can raise your productivity and let your imagination flow. Clear Quartz near you will aid in concentration as well as purify, cleanse and energize. When using points, make sure they face whichever direction the intention of the energy must flow. Facing toward you directs the energy to yourself, facing away will draw it out or set up a shield.

If you are not familiar with working with your own energy, here is a simple exercise to allow you to feel the field around you. Hold your palm above your skin on your forearm - roughly 3/4 - 1 " away. Make sure your palm is higher than the hair on your arm. Gently sweep your palm up and down the area (without out touching!). You will feel a light resistance or for some a tickling sensation. If you feel nothing try this second exercise. Place your palms together and rub them back and forth quickly for 10 seconds, building up heat and friction. Slowly pull your hands away from each other, then push them back together. You should feel a resistance or repulsion between your palms - almost like playing with putty.

The more you work with your energy field the more sensitive you become. Ever feel someone walk into the room without seeing them first? That person is projecting their energy ahead of themselves. Gridding will aid in repelling that energy so it does not affect yours.