Self Empowerment with Gemstones

Using gemstone tools to work with your subconscious to make better decisions

9/7/20232 min read

The gemstones on the wheel can help guide you in your questioning, but only you know what is best for yourself. Research the gemstone’s meaning for a more in-depth answer. Choose 5 stones blindly out of a bag. Place them on the wheel clockwise starting with North, East, South, West and finally Self. These stones are indicating what you need to work on in your life and are tools for getting in touch with your deep feelings and thoughts.

For example, if you have chosen rose quartz as your first stone, it is telling you to work on forgiveness and acceptance of others or perhaps yourself.

If rose quartz was in the east it indicates you may have experienced trauma and need healing, emotionally, spiritually as well as physically. Is there something you have buried that needs to be addressed?

If it appeared in the south, perhaps it is time for travel or adventure. On the other hand it may be telling you to settle down and find inner peace.

If rose quartz appears in the west, you need to work on relationship(s). Is there something that you need to talk about or someone you need to speak with?

A brief description of rose quartz below gives you the clues you need as to what to work on in each direction. Each direction stone will also bring together the whole picture of what may be troubling you or what actions you may need to take overall.

Rose Quartz – Self Esteem/Partnerships. Unconditional love, infinite peace, aids inner healing, self-love, reassurance, trauma and crisis, mid-life crisis, positive affirmations, purifies and opens heart, attracts love, trust, harmony, empathy, sensitivity, acceptance of change, release unexpressed emotions, heartache, deprivation, internal pain.

What if it were Malachite you chose instead. What do you see in the following description for each of the directions.

Malachite – Follow Your Intuition/Instincts. Grounding, amplifies energy, clears & activates chakras, guards against radiation& electromagnetic pollution, visualization, balance, harmony, scrying, transformation, reveals blockages & deep feelings, responsibility, empathy, shyness, intuition, insight.

Every stone has multiple characteristics that will aid you in your life path and decisions - a way to release a block, creative idea or emotion.