See what stones contribute to good physical, mental and spiritual health

A basic selection of gemstones for overall good health

4/20/20231 min read

When putting together a gemstone health kit, these are the most commonly found affordable stones. The most basic kit I would recommend is Amethyst, Clear Quartz and Rose Quartz.


Rose Quartz: Opens/heals emotions, heart, circulatory system, chest, lungs, kidneys, adrenals, vertigo, fertility.

Clear Quartz: Healing cleansing, energy amplifier. Immune system, burns, balance, raises energy to highest possible level, purifies and balances alkalinity of water. Raises energy to highest possible level, clarifies & aids decision making.

Carnelian: Cleansing, aids metabolism, reproductive system, lower back problems, arthritis, depression, kidneys & body fluids, bones & ligaments, blood supply. Grounds, revitalizes, motivates, aids concentration.

Amethyst: Tranquilizes, gentle over all healing, aids hormones, endocrine system, metabolism, digestive system, relieves pain, stress, headaches, insomnia, bruising, injuries, heals lungs, respiratory track, skin conditions. Protects, tranquilizes, heals, cleanses, helps concentration.

Lapis Lazuli: Alleviates pain, migraine headaches, depression, aids respiratory & nervous system, balances thyroid, blood pressure, strengthens organs, blood and immune system, relieves insomnia, vertigo.

Aquamarine: Fevers, inflammation, sore throat, infections, arthritis, gingivitis.

Red Jasper: Calms, strengthens & detoxifies: circulatory, digestive & fertility systems.

Additional stones for those who do energy work, are home care workers or for those feeling run down.


These stones are of a high vibration. Some can be harder to find or more expensive.

Angelite: Enhances telepathic communication/perception. Protection.

Infinite: Soothing, calming, draws out pain, “healer’s stone.”

Seraphinite: Strengthens personal energy field, re-energize when combined with Infinite.

Iolite: Stimulates inner knowing, clears the mind of “chatter”, aligns all chakras.

Auralite 23: Re-energizes, inspires and aids meditation quickly.