Scolecite - the just don't give a sh*t stone!

Powerful stress reducer tool

10/11/20231 min read

Handling a lot of stress these days? Reach for SCOLECITE! Put it in your pocket, under your pillow, on your desk or handle it like a worry stone. I have used these stones a lot over the years for deadline days, social gatherings or meetings, or on especially stressful days. This stone promotes an inner peace bringing relaxation. It will aid in meditation and enhance your dream state. Its peaceful influence will break emotional, physical and mental blockages.

When making an elixir, don't use the direct method for this stone as it contains aluminum.

Combining lepidolite and scolecite under your pillow or beside your bed will allow your body to relax and get a good night's sleep. Don't use it every night as it will lose its effectiveness because your body will get use to its vibrations.

If you combine scolecite with carnelian, it will soothe nausea and nervous energy, allowing you to concentrate on communication.

Learn more about gemstones from my books.