Powerful gemstones to bring focus, aid concentration and meditation.

Some of the best gemstones to aid your mind.

2/16/20231 min read

Everyone can use a little help with their memory or focus, especially in these busy times. Below are some of the best stones to use, though there are many more that you may wish to try.

Rhodonite: Inspires to achieve highest potential, unconditional love, support and cooperation with others.
Fluorite: Balance, aids with self-confidence, concentration, organization, stress, absorption of information/ knowledge, and wise decision making.
Carnelian: Grounds, revitalizes, motivates, cleanses, gives courage, motivates for success, trust in self, clarifies perceptions/thoughts, aids concentration.
Iolite: Stimulates inner knowing, enhances intuition, clears the mind of “chatter”, aligns all chakras.
Howlite: Opens mind to wisdom, aids in planning/organization, strengthens memory, stimulates desire for knowledge.
Mangano: Instills quest for knowledge, self-worth, brings focus & memory retention.
Snowflake Obsidian: Balances the mind, body, and spirit while it calms, soothes and helps to bring focus. It makes the mind more receptive to learning.

MEDITATION GEMSTONES (in addition to the above concentration stones)
Aquamarine: Instills courage, persistence, tolerance, calms, sharpens perceptions, intellect, spiritual awareness and development, soothes fears.
Angelite: Enhances telepathic communication and perception. Protection. Helps you “speak your truth”.
Amethyst: Protects, tranquilizes, heals, cleanses, helps concentration, balances emotions, and aids intuition.
Clear Quartz: Healing, cleansing, energy amplifier, raises vibration.
Selenite: Instills deep peace, clears confusion.

Learn more about other stones that can aid you in Working With The Mineral Kingdom - A Gemstone Elixir Recipe book. Buy it here.