Pet Rock - or Rocks for Your Pet's Health and Happiness

Aids for anxiety, illness and growth

7/14/20232 min read

There are as many rocks as there are issues that may affect your pet's health, happiness and well-being. The following list are just a few suggestions to aid your pet. Please be sure to follow the guidelines for each stone as to whether they can be used in water directly or indirectly

Alabaster (Calcite): Urinary infections, recovery from worms/parasites, cleanses/heals intestinal tract, kidneys, spleen, good for bones, mood enhancer, senility/memory booster.

Amazonite: Soothes emotional trauma, worries/fears, stress chewing, heart conditions, tooth decay, muscle spasms.

Amethyst: General healing, skin conditions, stress reducer, relieves pain, aids lungs/breathing, immune system.

Angelite: Brotherhood, guardian angel protection, reduces pain, heals scar tissue, weight control.

Apatite: Aids recovery from abuse, calms hyperactivity, balances emotions, calcium absorption, teeth/bones, overeating, enhances motor skills.

Aquamarine: Reduces barking, inflammation, fever, good eye wash, aids growth and with potty training.

Aventurine: Calms, instills feeling of well-being, aids metabolism, good for eyes, skin allergies, training aid.

Carnelian: Makes pet feel safe and secure, heals abuse, aids in absorption of vitamins and minerals, strengthening bones & kidneys, alleviates arthritis, separation anxiety.

Citrine: Safety, security, decreases stress in pets left alone, helps the digestive system, reduces aggression, encourages harmony in pet relationships.

Clear Quartz: Cleansing, purifies water, energizes, strengthens immune system, aids healing of burns, skin irritations and fluid imbalances (diarrhea/constipation).

Fluorite: Reduces noise stress, encourages growth and progress, enhances coordination, works on infections, viruses, pain, shingles, spinal injuries, nerve-related pain, and skin ulcers.

Goldstone: Arthritis, rheumatism, aches, pains, inflammation, protection, mood enhancer, raises energy.

Hematite: Strengthens timid breeds, aids growth in young, treats overeating, blood diseases, senility, spinal alignment.

Howlite: Patience for trainer and trainee, reduces outside distractions, encourages good behavior and habits, strengthens memory, calcium balancing.

Iron Pyrite: Blocks/cleanses infections/viruses, parasites, encourages play, relieves stress/anxiety, aids digestive tract, circulatory and respiratory systems.

Jade: Reduces separation anxiety, harmony with other pets, calms, enhances overall health, birth, fertility, adrenal glands, elimination.

Jet: Protection - especially in vehicles, depression, aids guard animals, reduces lymphatic swelling, strokes/epileptic seizures.

Labradorite: Reduces fear, eye & brain disorders, balances hormones during pregnancy, protection for lost pet, new home settlement.

Mookaite: Travel sickness, moving between homes/settling into new home, nutrient assimilation, immune & elimination systems, grief, environmental stress, muscle flexibility.

Moss Agate: Reduces sensitivity to weather/environmental pollutants, stress, aids birthing, immune system.

Orange Calcite: Cleanses digestive/elimination system, boosts worm/parasitic treatment, boosts calcium intake/retention.

Rainbow Obsidian: Guardian angel protection, cuts cords to old master while strengthening bond with new, heals trauma, supports growth.

Red Jasper: Reduces aggression, increases energy, strengthens circulatory and digestive system, dissolves blockages in liver/kidneys.

Rhodonite: Heals flea/insect bites, strengthens hearing, calms, treats shock/trauma.

Rose Quartz: Separation anxiety/weaning, reduces trauma, strengthens heart/circulatory system, treats kennel cough, feline leukemia.

Serpentine: Treats Infertility, parasite elimination, aids in birthing process, aids medical treatment, increases energy/vitality.

Sodalite: Fights against environmental pollutants, reduces fears/anxiety, aids with pet harmony, metabolism, immune system, digestive disorders, fevers, cleanses lymphatic system and organs.

Snowflake Obsidian: Training aid, coordination, instills good behavior patterns, treats arthritis & joint problems, injuries/shock.

Tiger Eye: Protection, reduces stubbornness, increases cooperation, aids eyes and eye allergies, reproductive system, and healing of broken bones.

Tree Agate: Aids in absorption of vitamins/minerals, circulatory system, skeletal disorders, spinal alignment, and reduces nerve pain.

Turquoise: Overall healing, builds up immune system, protection, instills harmony, strengthens bond.

Yellow Jasper: Positive habits and energy, heals digestion/ elimination systems, boosts immune system.

Make your own mineral water concoction for pets, children, plants or yourself. Learn more in "Working with the Mineral Kingdom: A Gemstone Elixir Recipe Book." Available on