Learn about the amazing world of gemstones. The mineral kingdom will surprise you!

There is more to rocks than what you see.

3/24/20231 min read

New to the world of crystals? There is so much to learn about these beautiful and not so beautiful stones.

I was drawn to gemstones early in my life. Not jewelry, but the raw forms of them. Geodes, fossils, rough shapes, spheres ... you name it, I was fascinated by it. In one store at a mall I would visit were hundreds of nature items to discover. Most people would play with the stuffed animals, toys or science equipment and kits, however, I would go directly to the stone table to gaze at them. I didn't know why, but I wanted to buy and take them home. I didn't purchase them at that time because what would I do with them?

When I was older and was exploring the world, learning more about the 'New Age' culture, I discovered that gemstones had many properties. That they were the minerals our bodies needed, just like vitamins, but emanate vibrations or energy. This is what I was feeling when being attracted to them. As a sensitive person, I was connecting with them without realizing it.

Investigating the mineral kingdom led me to several authors who were very knowledgeable about them. Instinctually, I would understand what they could do for me, but wanted to verify what I felt. Judy Hall's Crystal Bible was a great beginning book. Her descriptions of the gemstones, their physical and metaphysical properties, led me on a wonderful adventure. Her bibles had just enough information to verify my thoughts, feelings and understanding of each stone to aid me in exploring the mineral kingdom.

Another great intuitive tool was The Crystal Ally cards by Naisha Ahsian. The original set was beautiful and helpful. She has since updated her cards and they contain many more crystals and feel even more powerful.

Both of these crystal enthusiasts and experts aided my self-awareness, my growth, leading me to write my own unique books. I found my own voice and path with 'Working with the Mineral Kingdom, A Gemstone Elixir Recipe book.' Receiving positive feedback on this book, as well as requests to publish a different one on the metaphysical side, I wrote about the lighter side of gemstones - "Metaphysical Minerals - Having Fun with Gemstones."

If you are curious about the rock world, please investigate further. I highly recommend books by Judy Hall and Naisha Ahsian. You never know what treasures you may unearth!