Cleaning and Charging Your Gemstones

Taking care of your gemstones so they can take care of you.


Picture of Gemstones
Picture of Gemstones

Depending upon what kind of stone you have, as well as your own personal style and preference, there are many ways to clean it. Smudging, running water, dry sea salt, water/sea salt solution, sound, breath or energy (reiki) are the most popular ways of cleaning. I will address each one briefly.

When in doubt, check the chemical compound of the stone or just use a “safe” method, i.e., smudging, energy cleansing, or stone cleaning. Some stones will dissolve in water, get scratched or dulled by salt or are too brittle to handle. This same principle should be used when making an elixir.

Smudging. This is a way of cleaning your stone without harming it - especially if you have a very fragile stone, such as a cluster. This technique is preferred by collectors and healers who wish to purify the stone with the four elements by using an abalone shell, sage, a feather and matches.

Running water. If you are fortunate enough to live near the ocean, a natural spring or river, you can cleanse the stones by putting them into a netted bag or nylon hosiery that will allow the running water to cleanse them without washing the stones away. Natural spring water should be used whenever possible.

Dry sea salt. You can employ the dry sea salt method for most stones. Get a shallow container, pour a generous amount of sea salt into it, and then place the stones gently into the salt. Next, pour more salt over the stones until they are completely covered, and then let them sit overnight.

Water/sea salt solution. This method combines spring water with sea salt (the average solution is 2 tablespoons salt to 1 pint water). Soak the stones for one to 24 hours, then remove, and rinse with clean spring water.

Sound. Using tuning forks, singing bowls, drumming and bells are ways to evoke vibrational cleaning. The stones react to the pitch or vibration and release any negative energy it may have stored.

Breath/energy. If you do not have any way of using any of the above methods and want to cleanse your stone immediately, you may employ either the breath or energy cleaning method. Clear your mind, hold the stone lightly in your fingers and blow gently on it, thinking of removing any negative energy and sending it into the Earth where it will be changed into positive energy.

Stones to clean stones. Use a Clear Quartz cluster or a Carnelian to cleanse your other gemstones. Position the gemstones to be cleaned on or next to a Clear Quartz cluster or place a Carnelian amongst a small selection of stones and leave overnight.

Bury in the earth. Our stones are such faithful healers and workers; they need a little vacation in order to recharge. You can bury them in the earth (mark the spot so you can find them again!) or get a terracotta or clay plant pot to bury them in. Leave them for a couple of weeks or as long as six months, depending upon their depleted energy.

Learn more about gemstones in the Working With The Mineral Kingdom - A Gemstone Elixir Recipe book. Buy it here!