Calm Allergy Season Sniffles and Coughs with Powerful Friend, Amethyst

The all around general healer

5/25/20231 min read

It is that time of the year again. Achoo! Good ole allergy season. This year the pollen has been potent. My sinuses and throat are not happy. I cough so hard I throw up! (Sorry it's a little graphic but it is to make a point).

Trying to fall asleep at night, I begin the coughing that won't stop phase. Even with my bed placed in an almost upright position, the annoying back of the throat post nasal drip continues. After a few sleep deprived nights, I finally remembered that amethyst can aid my respiratory system. I have a neck pillow that is filled with crushed amethyst gemstones as well as a full-size heated mat. After placing the pillow around my shoulders and neck, I felt some relief. I actually fell asleep quickly. My sleep is better though when my nose and throat become dry, the coughing commences. I reposition the neck pillow that has slid off and off to sleep I go!

You may say that this is a placebo effect but hey, whatever works! I am sleeping much better these days. If things get really bad, I will sleep on the mat.

I am not the only one that has gotten relief from this beautiful stone. Years ago a friend's daughter that had asthma was at home having an attack. Her inhaler was left at school. Remembering I had mentioned that amethyst would help, she and her daughter held onto an amethyst stone until her breathing normalized. Yes, it may be mind over matter, but what does it matter if it works!