Be More Creative! How to Use Gemstones to aid your artistic self!

Break writer's block, get inspired!

3/1/20231 min read

Everyone can have a time when inspiration has waned. Sometimes we need a little help. Working with gemstones can break writer's block or help clear our mind, allowing new ideas and artistic thoughts to grow. Below are some stones for aiding our creative selves. One stone or a combination will work but be careful, do not work with any stone or combination of stones for more than 20 minutes. If at any time you feel dizzy, disoriented, nauseous or a sense of discomfort, STOP. Hold a black tourmaline, carnelian, obsidian, or hematite stone until the feeling(s) has passed.

One very powerful combination that has helped me is Super 7, Amazonite, and Blue Lace Agate (for creativity and self-expression). The one most effective stone for all art forms is Amazonite.


Amazonite: Creativity, artistic intuition and vision, clears writer’s block, allows one to see their personal truth, new perspective and insight.

Aventurine: Stimulates perceptions, enhances creativity, allow one to see alternatives.

Bloodstone: Heightens intuition, increases creativity, stimulates dreaming.

Carnelian: Grounds, revitalizes, motivates for success, trust in self, clarifies perceptions/thoughts, aids concentration and visualization.

Fluorite: Enhances creativity, focus, fresh ideas and insights (especially Blue Fluorite).

Labradorite: Raises consciousness/intuition, enhances faith in self and imagination, introspection, releases hidden potential.

Orange Calcite – Reduce stress, inspires childlike wonder and curiosity

Tiger Eye: Energizes, integrity, clarity of intention, releases blockages of creativity, aids in recognition of talents and abilities, elevates moods, reduces depression.

Rhodonite: Stimulates creativity and artistic abilities, clears away wounds and emotional traumas, builds confidence, reveals hidden talents.

Pyrite: Enhances self confidence, facilitates tapping into talents and abilities to highest potential, to see beyond the obvious, balances creativity with analysis.

Learn more about the different uses of these stones in a metaphysical way with my book - Metaphysical Minerals - Having Fun with Gemstones.

To make your own mineral water and improve your health, my book Working With The Mineral Kingdom: A Gemstone Elixir Recipe Book has a lot more gemstone information.