Are You Living Your Dream Life? Wake up and discover how Sugilite can help!

Expand your vision, set new goals and rediscover your passion.

3/16/20231 min read

Sugilite - the stone of dreams.

Are you living your dream life? Are you working towards your dreams? Or have you given up on them?
This gemstone will aid in dream recall. Dreams are the visions of your subconscious mind. Sometimes you relive the day, but many times there are messages contained that you miss. Perhaps you see a famous person. Maybe their profession or personal life is something you wish to achieve for yourself. Dreams can point you in the right direction when you are feeling lost.

Putting this stone under your pillow or on your nightstand will allow it to work with your subconscious mind. Symbols may appear or you are put into strange worlds or situations. Maybe you are trapped and someone helps you to find your way out. Maybe it will reawaken the passion of a dream you have - writing, art, acting, inventing, or creating the circumstances for your desired job. Perhaps it is something you envisioned as a child, but put aside because it was not a 'proper' job or practical idea.

The opposite can also happen. Nightmares may occur - though it is more rare. Is there something you have been pushing away, not dealing with, afraid to do or say? Maybe you buried something traumatic which is blocking you from living your best life. Sugilite can gently reawaken your mind to the past to aid in clearing that obstruction and obtain your goals.

Learn about other stones which you can use as tools to put you on the path to being your best self and living the life you have always wanted.

Working with the Mineral Kingdom - A Gemstone Elixir Recipe book and Metaphysical Minerals - Having Fun With Gemstones are available on